The United States Army has initiated a program using undead infantry drones to penetrate inaccessible terrain in the pursuit of drug cartels and terrorists. After a botched mission in Xcaret, Mexico that nearly gets Lieutenant Peter Birdsall killed, the program finds success in Tora Bora due to his younger brother, Carl, and his brain tumor that allows him to communicate telepathically with the drones. While the UN Security Council investigates whether or not the use of the undead violates the biological weapons stipulation of the Geneva Code, the drones are relegated to patrolling the Mexican border. Treated by his own government and the media as both hero and pariah, Carl has a run-in with the Order for International Liberation, an international terrorist group responsible for the death of his mother that has been following the drone technology closely. Conspiracies are uncovered, as the origin of the drone technology is revealed and a related, dangerous technology is exploited by the NSA to spy on the American populace. In the meantime, a new threat in the form of a vicious terrorist named Kafka surfaces, creating a dubious justification for the intrusive new technology. “‘Kafka Rising’ is a thriller with scary overtones…The plot proceeds to the end with twists and turns that will boggle the reader’s brain…Great action and unexpected plot turns make ‘Kafka Rising’ a thriller for readers who like their action, their characters, and their storyline filled with drama and danger.” 5/5 stars, Alice DiNizo, Readers’ Favorite

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